Cryptocurrency The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In recent years, the world of finance has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of cryptocurrency.


What started as a niche concept has now evolved into a global phenomenon, capturing the imagination of investors, technologists, and enthusiasts alike.

Understanding The World Of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, powered by blockchain technology, has redefined the way we perceive and engage with money, offering a decentralized alternative to traditional financial systems. Let's delve into the captivating world of cryptocurrency, exploring its origins, growth, challenges, and potential future.

The Birth Of Cryptocurrency


The concept of cryptocurrency was first introduced by an individual (or group) known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 through a whitepaper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, laid the groundwork for a decentralized digital currency system that operates independently of any central authority.


Despite the term that has come to describe many of the fungible blockchain tokens that have been created, cryptocurrencies are not considered to be currencies in the traditional sense, and varying legal treatments have been applied to them in various jurisdicitons, including classification as commodities, securities, and currencies, cryptocurrencies are generally viewed as a distinct asset class in practice.


Built on the principles of cryptography and distributed ledger technology, Bitcoin introduced the world to the concept of blockchain—a secure and transparent public ledger that records all transactions.


Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency designed to act as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person, group, or entity, thus removing the need for third-party involvement in financial transactions. It is rewarded to blockchain miners for verifying transactions and can be purchased on several exchanges.

Central to the appeal and functionality of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology. As its name indicates, a blockchain is essentially a set of connected blocks of information on an online ledger.


Each block contains a set of transactions that have been independently verified by each validator on a network.


As of June 2023, there were more than 25,000 other cryptocurrencies in the marketplace, of which more than 40 had a market capitalization exceeding $1 billion.


Throughout their existence, cryptocurrencies have been involved in criminal activities and multi-billion-dollar fraud schemes.


Some economists and investors, such as Warren Buffett, considered cryptocurrencies to be a speculative bubble.

The Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

The cryptocurrency ecosystem is a dynamic and complex space, encompassing various digital currencies, blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, and more. Understanding this ecosystem is essential for anyone looking to explore

In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge of interest in cryptocurrencies, fueled by their potential to revolutionize finance, technology, and even governance.


Understanding this ecosystem is essential for anyone looking to explore, invest in, or participate in the burgeoning world of digital assets.


In this blog post, we’ll delve into the components that make up the cryptocurrency ecosystem and provide insights into how individuals can navigate this exciting frontier.

Following the success of Bitcoin, numerous alternative cryptocurrencies, commonly referred to as altcoins, emerged, each with its unique features and functionalities.


Ethereum, introduced in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, revolutionized the cryptocurrency landscape by enabling developers to build decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts on its blockchain.


This marked the beginning of a new era in which blockchain technology extended beyond simple peer-to-peer transactions to encompass a wide range of use cases, including decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and more.


Blockchain Technology:


As already established, central to the functioning of cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology. A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions across a network of computers.


Blockchains can be used to make data in any industry immutable—the term used to describe the inability to be altered.

Because there is no way to change a block, the only trust needed is at the point where a user or program enters data. This aspect reduces the need for trusted third parties, which are usually auditors or other humans that add costs and make mistakes.


Each transaction is grouped into a “block” and added to a chain of previous transactions, creating an immutable record of all transactions. Blockchain technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability, making it the backbone of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Transaction Processing

The process of transactions varies depending on the blockchain they occur on. Take Bitcoin’s blockchain, for instance. When you initiate a transaction via your cryptocurrency wallet, which serves as an interface for the blockchain, a series of steps is set in motion.


In Bitcoin, your transaction is initially dispatched to a memory pool, where it resides and awaits selection by a miner or validator. Subsequently, upon inclusion in a block and the block reaching its capacity with transactions, it undergoes closure and encryption utilizing an encryption algorithm.


This marks the commencement of the mining process.


Key Components of Blockchain:


  • Decentralization: Blockchain operates on a peer-to-peer network of computers (nodes), with no central authority controlling the system. This decentralization ensures transparency, resilience, and censorship resistance, as there is no single point of failure or control.
  • Cryptography: Cryptography plays a crucial role in securing transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, creating a cryptographic link between blocks and making it virtually impossible to alter past transactions without altering all subsequent blocks.
  • Consensus Mechanisms: Consensus mechanisms are protocols that ensure agreement among network participants on the validity of transactions and the order in which they are added to the blockchain. Popular consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and variations such as Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT).

How Blockchain Works:


  • Transaction Initiation: The process begins when a user initiates a transaction by creating a digital signature using their private key. This transaction is broadcasted to the network of nodes.
  • Transaction Verification: Nodes on the network validate the transaction using predefined consensus rules, ensuring that it meets the criteria for inclusion in a block. This validation process involves verifying the authenticity of the transaction, checking for double-spending, and confirming that the sender has sufficient funds.
  • Block Formation: Once validated, the transaction is grouped with other transactions to form a block. Each block contains a header with metadata, including a timestamp, a reference to the previous block’s hash, and a nonce (a random number used in the mining process).
  • Mining: In Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains like Bitcoin, miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles in a process known as mining. The first miner to solve the puzzle and find a valid hash for the block is rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency and transaction fees.
  • Block Validation: Once a valid hash is found, the new block is broadcasted to the network for validation. Other nodes verify the validity of the block and its transactions before adding it to their copy of the blockchain.
  • Consensus and Chain Extension: Through the consensus mechanism, nodes agree on the longest valid chain, ensuring that all participants have a consistent view of the blockchain. This process extends the blockchain, adding new blocks to the chain over time.


Decentralize Finance (DeFI): 


One of the most exciting developments within the cryptocurrency ecosystem is the rise of decentralized finance, or DeFi. DeFi refers to a broad category of financial applications and protocols built on blockchain networks, offering traditional financial services such as lending, borrowing, trading, and asset management without the need for intermediaries like banks or brokers.


DeFi platforms operate through smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.

In the U.S., the Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) define the rules for centralized financial institutions like banks and brokerages, which consumers rely on to access capital and financial services directly. 


DeFi challenges this centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer transactions.



Through peer-to-peer financial networks, DeFi uses security protocols, connectivity, software, and hardware advancements. 


This system eliminates intermediaries like banks and other financial service companies. 

These companies charge businesses and customers for using their services, which are necessary in the current system because it’s the only way to make it work. DeFi uses blockchain technology as a way to reduce the need for these intermediaries.


These companies charge businesses and customers for using their services, which are necessary in the current system because it’s the only way to make it work. DeFi uses blockchain technology as a way to reduce the need for these intermediaries.


Cryptocurrency Exchanges:

Cryptocurrency exchanges serve as the primary marketplace for buying, selling, and trading digital assets. These platforms facilitate the exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies (such as USD, EUR, or GBP) or other cryptocurrencies.


Exchanges can be centralized, meaning they are operated by a single entity, or decentralized, operating as peer-to-peer networks without a central authority.


Popular cryptocurrency exchanges include Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and SushiSwap.



Wallets and Security:


Cryptocurrency wallets are digital tools that allow users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies securely. Wallets come in various forms, including hardware wallets, software wallets, and mobile wallets.


Security is paramount in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, as the decentralized nature of blockchain networks means users are responsible for safeguarding their assets. Best practices for security include using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and exercising caution when interacting with unknown parties or websites.



Regulatory Landscape:

The regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies varies significantly from country to country. While some nations have embraced cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, others have imposed strict regulations or outright bans.


Regulatory uncertainty remains a challenge for the cryptocurrency ecosystem, impacting investor confidence and the development of new projects.


It is essential for participants in the ecosystem to stay informed about regulatory developments and compliance requirements in their respective jurisdictions.



The cryptocurrency ecosystem is a dynamic and multifaceted landscape, offering opportunities for innovation, investment, and financial inclusion. From the pioneering days of Bitcoin to the explosion of DeFi applications, the space continues to evolve rapidly, presenting both challenges and opportunities for participants. By understanding the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, DeFi, and security best practices, individuals can navigate this exciting frontier with confidence. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to mature, it has the potential to reshape the future of finance and empower individuals worldwide.

Cryptocurrency: The Good

Exploring the Positive Impact of Digital Assets

Cryptocurrency, once a niche concept, has now captured the attention of the world. While debates around its volatility, regulation, and environmental impact persist, it's important to recognize the positive aspects and potential benefits that cryptocurrencies bring to the table.

Cryptocurrencies introduce a fresh decentralized approach to currency. Within this framework, there’s no need for centralized intermediaries like banks or monetary institutions to uphold trust and oversee transactions between parties.


Consequently, cryptocurrency systems eliminate the risk of a singular point of failure, as seen with major financial institutions, which could potentially trigger global crises, as exemplified by the events of 2008 following the collapse of significant investment banks in the U.S.



Cryptocurrencies are predominantly utilized beyond the realms of traditional banking and governmental establishments, facilitating transactions conducted exclusively over the Internet.


Block Rewards:

Block rewards serve as incentives for miners in proof-of-work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While it has been commonly assumed that whether miners are compensated through block rewards or transaction fees doesn’t impact blockchain security, recent research suggests otherwise in specific scenarios.


These rewards contribute to the expansion of the cryptocurrency’s supply. By ensuring that verifying transactions requires significant resources, the network’s integrity can be upheld as long as benevolent nodes control a majority of computational power.


Verifying transactions entails substantial processing power and electricity consumption to make it sufficiently costly, ensuring the accuracy of the public blockchain.


Cryptocurrency has gained popularity among investors globally.


With technological involvement and industrialization, digital currencies are obtaining a satisfactory position over others, for example, Bitcoin.


Cryptocurrencies promise to make transferring funds directly between two parties easier without needing a trusted third party like a bank or a credit card company.


Such decentralized transfers are secured by the use of public keys and private keys and different forms of incentive systems, such as proof of work or proof of stake.


Financial Inclusion:

One of the most significant benefits of cryptocurrency is its potential to promote financial inclusion. Traditional banking systems often exclude large segments of the population, particularly in developing countries, due to factors such as high fees, lack of access to banking infrastructure, and stringent requirements.


Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, offer a decentralized alternative, enabling anyone with internet access to participate in the global economy, send and receive payments, and access financial services without the need for a traditional bank account.



Cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize the remittance industry by providing a faster, cheaper, and more efficient way to send money across borders. Traditional remittance services are often slow and expensive, with high fees and lengthy processing times.


Cryptocurrencies eliminate intermediaries, allowing individuals to send funds directly to recipients anywhere in the world, often within minutes and at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods.


Inflation Shield:


Inflation often leads to the depreciation of numerous currencies. Cryptocurrency is frequently perceived as a hedge against inflation. Bitcoin, for instance, has a predetermined limit on the total number of coins that will ever be created. As the growth rate of the money supply surpasses that of Bitcoin’s, the value of Bitcoin tends to rise.


Many other cryptocurrencies employ similar mechanisms to limit their supply, serving as a bulwark against inflation.

For instance, there is a finite quantity of 21 million Bitcoins outlined in the ASCII computer file.


Consequently, increased demand tends to drive up the value, potentially keeping pace with market dynamics and mitigating long-term inflation concerns.




Access to your funds is safeguarded by your crypto wallet’s private key, ensuring that no one can access them without authorization. However, if you misplace or forget your key, retrieving your funds becomes impossible.


Moreover, transactions are fortified by the blockchain system, bolstered by a distributed network of computers that validate transactions. Optimal security is achieved when investors retain their crypto assets in personal wallets.


Transactions are further fortified through the utilization of public and private keys, as well as through proof of work or proof of stake mechanisms, alongside various incentive systems.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

The rise of cryptocurrencies has sparked a wave of innovation and entrepreneurship, with thousands of startups and projects exploring new use cases and applications for blockchain technology.


From decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to blockchain-based identity solutions and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), the possibilities are endless.


Cryptocurrencies provide a fertile ground for experimentation and creativity, driving forward-thinking solutions to real-world problems.



Investing in cryptocurrency can yield lucrative returns, especially considering the substantial expansion of the market over the past decade. Despite its relatively brief price history, cryptocurrency markets have shown limited correlation with traditional markets such as stocks or bonds.


This characteristic positions cryptocurrencies as a valuable source of portfolio diversification. By combining assets with low price correlation, investors can potentially achieve more stable returns.


For instance, if the value of your stock portfolio declines, the value of your cryptocurrency assets may rise, and vice versa. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that cryptocurrency markets are typically highly volatile, which could ultimately increase the overall volatility of your portfolio if your asset allocation is heavily weighted towards cryptocurrency.


While cryptocurrencies are not without their challenges and criticisms, it’s essential to acknowledge the positive impact they bring to the table. From promoting financial inclusion and revolutionizing remittances to fostering decentralization, empowering individuals, and driving innovation, cryptocurrencies have the potential to reshape the future of finance, technology, and society as a whole. By embracing the opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies and harnessing their potential for good, we can unlock a more inclusive, transparent, and equitable world for all.

Cryptocurrency: The Bad

Exploring the Negative Impact of Digital Assets

As with every revolution, however, there are tradeoffs involved. At the current stage of development for cryptocurrencies, there are many differences between the theoretical ideal of a decentralized system with cryptocurrencies and its practical implementation.

While investing in cryptocurrency may seem enticing and potentially profitable, it’s crucial for investors to be aware of certain drawbacks associated with it.


Cryptocurrency has undoubtedly made waves in the world of finance and technology, presenting exciting opportunities and innovations. However, it’s essential to take a critical look at the potential downsides and risks associated with digital assets. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the darker side of cryptocurrency, exploring the challenges, controversies, and risks that investors, regulators, and society at large need to consider.


Cryptocurrency is often touted as an anonymous form of transaction. However, it’s important to note that cryptocurrencies are actually pseudonymous, leaving a digital trail that can be deciphered by authorities such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


As a result, there exists the possibility of interference from federal or government authorities in tracking the financial transactions of individuals. This potential for scrutiny highlights a significant concern for privacy-conscious investors who may seek anonymity in their financial dealings.



One of the most notorious aspects of cryptocurrencies is their extreme volatility. Prices can experience dramatic fluctuations within short periods, leading to significant gains or losses for investors.


While volatility may present opportunities for traders, it also poses risks for investors and undermines cryptocurrency’s potential as a stable store of value or medium of exchange.


The unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency prices can deter mainstream adoption and hinder its utility for everyday transactions.


Speculation and Market Manipulation:


The cryptocurrency market is susceptible to speculation and market manipulation, driven by factors such as hype, fear of missing out (FOMO), and the influence of large investors or “whales.”


Pump-and-dump schemes, insider trading, and price manipulation tactics are not uncommon in the cryptocurrency space, leading to artificial price inflation, loss of investor confidence, and regulatory scrutiny. Lack of regulation and oversight exacerbates these issues, leaving investors vulnerable to fraudulent activities and market manipulation tactics.


Security Concerns:


While blockchain technology offers enhanced security compared to traditional systems, cryptocurrencies are not immune to security breaches and vulnerabilities. Hacks, thefts, and security breaches have plagued cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and smart contracts, resulting in millions of dollars in losses for investors.


Weaknesses in code, human error, and targeted attacks by hackers pose ongoing challenges to the security and integrity of cryptocurrency networks, undermining trust and confidence in the ecosystem.


Regulatory Uncertainty:

The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies remains uncertain and fragmented, with different countries adopting varying approaches to regulation and oversight.


Regulatory uncertainty creates challenges for businesses, investors, and developers, leading to compliance risks, legal ambiguities, and barriers to innovation.


Concerns about money laundering, terrorism financing, tax evasion, and consumer protection have prompted regulators worldwide to scrutinize and impose restrictions on cryptocurrency activities, impacting market dynamics and investor sentiment.

Environmental Impact:


The energy-intensive nature of cryptocurrency mining, particularly for Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains like Bitcoin, has raised concerns about its environmental impact.


Cryptocurrency mining consumes vast amounts of electricity, contributing to carbon emissions and environmental degradation.


Critics argue that the environmental cost of cryptocurrency mining outweighs its benefits, calling for more sustainable alternatives and urging blockchain projects to adopt eco-friendly consensus mechanisms.


The lack of key policies related to transactions serves as a major drawback of cryptocurrencies. The no refund or cancellation policy can be considered the default stance for transactions wrongly made across crypto wallets and each crypto stock exchange or app has its own rules.


While cryptocurrency holds promise as a disruptive force in finance and technology, it’s essential to acknowledge and address the challenges and risks it poses. From volatility and market manipulation to security concerns, regulatory uncertainty, and environmental impact, the cryptocurrency ecosystem faces significant hurdles on its path to mainstream adoption and acceptance.


By addressing these issues through collaboration, innovation, and responsible governance, stakeholders can work towards realizing the full potential of cryptocurrency while mitigating its negative consequences for investors, society, and the environment.

Cryptocurrency: The Ugly

Exploring the Negative Impact of Digital Assets

A popular saying amongst non-crypto investors is "If there is crypto in the business description, it is a scam!". This has created a stereotype for individuals who deal cryptocurrency but this statement is not untirely false. How did we get to this?

Wherever money is involved, scams inevitably emerge, and the cryptocurrency realm is no exception.



In February 2022, Wormhole, a cryptocurrency exchange platform, suffered a loss of $320 million due to a cyber attack. Furthermore, cryptocurrency scams have resulted in the theft of over $1 billion since 2021, as reported by the Federal Trade Commission.


Cryptocurrencies have been compared to Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes and economic bubbles, such as housing market bubbles. Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital Management stated in 2017 that digital currencies were “nothing but an unfounded fad (or perhaps even a pyramid scheme), based on a willingness to ascribe value to something that has little or none beyond what people will pay for it”, and compared them to the tulip mania (1637), South Sea Bubble (1720), and dot-com bubble (1999), which all experienced profound price booms and busts.


Even though cryptocurrency is a newer trend, thieves are using old methods to steal. Here are some of the common cryptocurrency scams to watch.


Now, let us look at a few of the major crypto scams in recent times


Cryptocurrency Investment:

Bitcoin investment schemes often involve scammers posing as experienced “investment managers” who claim to have amassed substantial wealth through cryptocurrency investments. These fraudsters target investors, promising lucrative returns on their investments.


To initiate the scheme, the scammers typically request an upfront fee from their victims.


However, instead of delivering on their promises, they simply abscond with the upfront fees. In some cases, scammers may also solicit personal identification information under the guise of facilitating fund transfers or deposits, subsequently gaining access to victims’ cryptocurrency holdings.


Another common tactic employed in investment scams is the use of fake celebrity endorsements. Scammers create counterfeit accounts, advertisements, or articles featuring genuine photos of celebrities, falsely suggesting their endorsement of significant financial gains from the investment. These fraudulent endorsements often appear credible, utilizing reputable company names and professional-looking websites and logos.


However, the endorsements are entirely fabricated, aiming to deceive unsuspecting individuals into investing their funds.


Rug pull scams:

Rug pull scams involve investment scammers “pumping up” a new project, non-fungible token (NFT) or coin to get funding. After the scammers get the money, they disappear with it.


The coding for these investments prevents people from selling the bitcoin after purchase, so investors are left with a valueless investment.


A popular version of this scam was the Squid coin scam, named after the popular Netflix series Squid Game.


Investors had to play to earn cryptocurrency: People would buy tokens for online games and earn more later to exchange for other cryptocurrencies. The price of the Squid token went from being worth 1 cent to about $90 per token.


Eventually, trading stopped and the money disappeared. The token value then reached zero as people attempted but failed to sell their tokens. The scammers made about $3 million from these investors.

Rug pull scams are also common for NFTs, which are one-of-a-kind digital assets.



Fake cryptocurrency exchanges:


Scammers might lure investors in with promises of a great cryptocurrency exchange — maybe even some additional bitcoin. But in reality, there is no exchange and the investor does not know it’s fake until after they lose their deposit.


Stick to known crypto exchange markets — such as Coinbase, and Cash App — to avoid an unfamiliar exchange. Do some research and check industry sites for details about the exchange’s reputation and legitimacy before entering any personal information.

Cryptocurrency Giveaway. Social Media Scam:

Scams involving cryptocurrency giveaways proliferate across social media platforms, with fraudulent posts enticing users with promises of bitcoin rewards. These scams often utilize fake celebrity accounts to bolster credibility and attract unsuspecting individuals.


When users engage with the giveaway posts and click on the links provided, they are redirected to fraudulent websites requesting verification to claim the promised bitcoin. However, the verification process typically involves making a payment to purportedly validate the account’s legitimacy.


Unfortunately, victims who comply with these requests risk losing their payment or falling victim to more severe consequences, such as having their personal information and cryptocurrency stolen through malicious links embedded in the fraudulent websites.


Phishing Scam:

Phishing scams are an old favorite among scammers. Fraudsters are aiming to access your account details, including your crypto keys. As any crypto user knows, he who holds the key holds all the crypto. Phishing scammers often lure you into clicking on a link to a fake website, where they can then steal your account details. They can impersonate well-known companies, like Amazon or your bank, utility companies, or even government agencies, and may post links on social media or contact you directly.


For example, they might send you an email or text saying a withdrawal was initiated and give you a link to cancel the transaction. “The link directs to a fraudulent website and harvests the investor’s account credentials, allowing thieves to login and withdraw assets,” Cummings says.


Anyone can fall prey to a phishing scam and any digital asset can be the target of such a scam, as actor and film producer Seth Green realized earlier this year when four of his Bored Ape NFTs were stolen.


Fake Crypto Websites:


Scammers create fake cryptocurrency trading platforms or fake versions of official crypto wallet to exploit victims.


These fake sites tend to have similar, but slightly different domain names from the legitimate ones, sometimes making it hard for users to tell.


What’s worse, some of these copycat websites even appear very high in search results and look exceptionally similar to the real versions.



To enhance the credibility of their fake websites, scammers often incorporate fabricated testimonials or trading records. These deceptive platforms may initially allow users to withdraw small amounts of money and appear legitimate with apparent successful investments.


As users witness their investments supposedly grow, they may feel inclined to invest more funds. However, when attempting to withdraw earnings, the website may either shut down or reject the request. If users seek assistance from “customer service,” scammers might request additional deposit money, ultimately resulting in no returns.


In some cases, these fraudulent cryptocurrency websites serve as phishing pages, capturing users’ credentials, including crypto wallet passwords, recovery phrases, and other financial information, for exploitation by the scammers.

Investors Warren Buffett and George Soros have respectively characterized it as a "mirage" and a "bubble" while business executives Jack Ma and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon have called it a "bubble" and a "fraud", respectively, although Jamie Dimon later said he regretted dubbing Bitcoin a fraud. BlackRock CEO Laurence D. Fink called Bitcoin an "index of money laundering"

A highly popular movie that vividly portrays the intricate world of cryptocurrency scams is “Bitcoined.” I highly recommend it for a gripping exploration of this subject matter.

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