Receiving crypto through external wallet to your account is fast and easy.
To receive crypto on the Web Platform
1. Log in to your BananaCrystal Dashboard.
2. In the left pane, click on the “Crypto” menu.

3. From the dropdown, select “Receive Crypto.”

4. On the “Receive Crypto” page, click the “Get Address” button.

5. On the “Your OPAIG Wallet Address” page, either click the copy button to copy your crypto wallet address or take a screenshot of your crypto wallet QR code to share with the sender.

To Receive Crypto using BananaCrystal Mobile App
1. Go to Payment Menu > click on Crypto

2. Select Receive Crypto

3. You will be directed to your Oval Pixel (OPAIG) page. Click on it to display your wallet address.

4. Click the black double square box to copy your wallet address to your clipboard, or tap on the details below to scan the QR code. Use this information to receive payments instantly.